Program & Replays
The Sacred Reciprocity and Gift of Seeds

All life springs forth from a seed. Seeds give life and seeds are life. When we care for seeds, they care for us. Join Grandmother Heather and Lee-Ann Hill as they discuss how as seed keepers and seed stewards, we have a response-ability to grow and share seeds in their truest spirit, with loving intentions, so the seeds can continue to guide us, nourish us, and heal us into the future, for ourselves and for future generations.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- The power and sacredness of seeds — and why seeds are the essence of life, love, and light
- How to connect with your seeds before you plant and harvest them, and how seeds connect you to the past, present, and future
- A guided meditation connecting you to the sacred power of a seed
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UPGRADE HEREGrandmother Heather
Heather Hall-Dudney is Grandmother Flordemayo’s oldest child, only daughter, and personal assistant. Grandmother Heather is a wife, daughter, mother, and grandmother herself. She's executive director of The Path Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit her mother started to preserve and protect sacred heirloom seeds. She's program director, social media coordinator, and events producer for The Path.
Heather was born under the strong Nawal sign of 9 Iq’. It represents communication, and in particular, divine inspiration. It is the wind, the breath of life, that brings the change in seasons. Nine is the number of lunations in the human gestation period and in the sacred calendar. The sacred calendar is known as a calendar of life, and it is women who give life. As such the number nine is seen as the number of life and the number of the divine feminine. It gives all that it is attached to a strong feminine presence, and is a day on which women may wish to give thanks for their gifts.
Heather is a lifelong student, a leader, and advocate for the environment, rape and sexual abuse survivors, and veterans. She has Mayan and Finish ancestry and heritage, but more importantly, is a second-generation immigrant.
Lee-Ann Hill
Lee-Ann Hill is a passionate seed steward who first found a calling to seeds through her studies in cultural ecology in Northern New Mexico, where she met traditional seed keepers who informed and inspired her journey. During her decade of running Laughing Wolf Farm, and in her roles at Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance as Program Director and Executive Director, she gained a deeper understanding of the magic of seeds. Lee-Ann is fascinated by the way seeds connect us to one another, to the world around us, and to all ancestors beyond time and space. She's honored to share her passion with The Path, where together they share seeds that have been so generously grown by seed stewards who wish to conserve and share these seeds with future generations.